Saturday 3 October 2009

'Clear Your Mortgage': Exclusive Customer Relationship Management Service

Wealth Management Mortgage Service

“It never really hits home until it happens to you” - isn’t that a saying that you’ve heard or read countless times?

What about when something distressing or heart-wrenching happens to you. How do you cope with that? Who do you turn to for help, guidance and support?

As a property business owner, property investor or private Landlord you should be aware that distressed properties and/or mortgage payments falling into continual arrears have accounted for millions of pounds being added to the debt-ridden economy in the UK.

* Are you a high net worth individual currently having problems paying your mortgage?

* Do you have 'buy-to-let-properties' where your tenants are struggling to pay the rent and the fall-out lands in your lap?

* Have your mortgage payments defaulted by one month or more or your financial situation is already heading that way?

* Is the thought of this causing you financial stress that is negatively impacting on your work-life balance and in your relationships?

If you recognise your position (or anyone else in your network), and are being challenged with any of the above, then believe that you are not alone in this situation.

An exclusive remedial distressed mortgage service is provided by a Mayfair, London based FSA authorised and regulated Wealth Management organisation with over 20 years experience, providing a unique wealth management, financial management, property services and consulting to both individuals and corporations alike.

Their clients are typically high net-worth individuals encountering financial stress from managing their single mortgage payments to a portfolio of leased or buy-to-let properties.

Does this describe your situation? Could you be a new client by benefitting from our distressed mortgage relief services?

Play your part in positively re-building the relationship with your mortgage lender by taking action and using the contact details below.

For more information and to book an appointment with an experienced Mayfair based Consultant, please email: or call 0800 195 1864 and leave your contact details.

Valerie Lothian MCMI, MILM, Financial Stress Coach

Valerie Lothian of Focusivity is regulated by the Ministry of Justice for Claims Management activities, authorisation number CRM16125 registration recorded